Free Competition in Rail Transport

A Liberal Approach of the Shortlines’ Proposal




Railways, Public policy, Shortlines, Brazil, North America


With the truckers’ strike of 2018, it became evident the need to increase the use of the railway modal in Brazil, currently insufficient for the needs of the country and turned almost completely to the transportation of commodities. A liberal proposal is to reuse the several stretches currently idle along the railway network on the lines of the north American shortlines. To this objective, an introduction of competition should be sought in the light of the Austrian theory of markets as processes, in contrast of the mainstream analysis of natural monopoly structures. The present article aims to analyse the necessary reforms through a literature review of the Brazilian and North American experiences.


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Author Biography

João Felipe Rodrigues Lanza, Fundação Getulio Vargas

João Rodrigues é estudante de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas com ênfase em logística e transportes. Em 2018, desenvolveu a iniciação científica Entraves regulatórios e propostas de gestão para o setor ferroviário brasileiro, premiada com a menção honrosa pelo GVPesquisa


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How to Cite

Lanza JFR. Free Competition in Rail Transport: A Liberal Approach of the Shortlines’ Proposal. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];8. Available from:



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