Self-ownership and the Libertarian Ethic




Self-Ownership, Libertarianism, Ethics, Moral, Rights, Individual Liberty


The concept of self-ownership is intrinsect related to the concept of individual liberty and is a keystone for the libertarian ethic. In times when individual liberty is constantly violated by postivistic legislations, this paper objective is to present the libertarian ethics fundamentals, its evolution through the last 50 years and how it can be an important tool to protect individual rights. After the most important concepts and fundamentals analysis, libertarian ethics is challenged by the most relevant critics presented during this time, illustrating how they contributed to its development and highlighting points that are not fully developed or validated. Finally, the paper introduces a discussion on everyday life topics related to self-ownership, demonstrating how individual liberty is constantly violated by major contitutions worldwide and how they should be settled by libertarian author’s proposals, protecting private property and preventing agressionintiation.


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How to Cite

Kaesemodel GP. Self-ownership and the Libertarian Ethic. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];6(1). Available from:



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