The Use of Narratives in Business Models

a proposal to understand the logics of human action in entrepreneurship




business model, Human Action, narrative analysis, Value


This article aims to demonstrate how the narrative analysis method, combined with a value-based perspective of business model structuration, can be applied to identify the logic of human action in entrepreneurship. The business model is a narrative story, a form of presentation, explanation, or interpretation of elements that give meaning to the creation of business opportunities. However, not every element is explicit in the narratives of entrepreneurs who are showing, mainly to investors, how their business models are structured. Based on the mapping of implicit or explicit oppositions in the story, which enables the identification of hidden meaning in arguments, the logic of the narrative is extracted from the perspective of the dialectical process, where the sequence of events does not follow a chronological line but rather the outcome of the value creation, configuration, and appropriation process.


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Author Biographies

Dimária Silva e Meirelles, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil

Economist, Master’s and Doctorate in Industrial and Technology Economics. Professor at the Center for Social and Applied Sciences, Presbyterian University Mackenzie, affiliated with the Graduate Program in Business Administration. Research Line: Creation, Configuration, and Appropriation of Value in Technology-Mediated Services.

José Carlos Thomaz, Independent Consultant, São Paulo, Brazil

He is a consultant and teacher in the field of management, with emphasis on Strategies and Markets, working mainly on the following themes: corporate reputation (involving corporate image, corporate culture, organizational identification, organizational behavior and corporate communication), competitive advantage, organizational performance and business modeling (value creation, configuration and appropriation).


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How to Cite

Silva e Meirelles D, Thomaz JC. The Use of Narratives in Business Models: a proposal to understand the logics of human action in entrepreneurship. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];12. Available from:



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