Saber ou não saber, eis a questão

Conhecimento e política




Book review. SCHEALL, Scott. F. A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics: The Curious Task of Economics. London: Routledge, 2020. xiv + 200 p.


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Biografia do Autor

Gustavo Romero, IE/Unicamp – Unifaveni, Brazil

PhD candidate in Economic Development, with an emphasis on the history of economic thought, at the Institute of Economics, UNICAMP (2022 - present). Holds a Master’s degree in Economic Development (2019) and a Bachelor's degree in Economics (2008) from the Institute of Economics, UNICAMP. Specialist in Business Administration from FGV (2011). Bachelor of History from Uninter (2024). Engaged in research in the areas of Political Economy, History of Economic Thought, Economic History, Economic Theory, History Education, Economics Education, and Pedagogy. A strong advocate for scientific practice starting in Basic Education, actively participates as a judge in fairs, symposiums, and conferences aimed at promoting science at all educational levels. Experienced in adult education (EJA). Works with corporate training and the development of educational materials (written and audiovisual) for distance learning courses. Teaches at the higher education level, focusing on business and humanities. Currently, he is a professor and coordinator of the Economics and International Trade programs at Centro Universitário Faveni - UniFaveni."


SCHEALL, Scott. F. A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics: The Curious Task of Economics. London: Routledge, 2020.



Como Citar

Romero G. Saber ou não saber, eis a questão: Conhecimento e política. MisesJournal [Internet]. 3º de outubro de 2024 [citado 16º de outubro de 2024];12. Disponível em:



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