A detour in the Road to Totalitarianism:

An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría”


  • Nelson David Chávez Salazar Instituto Larry Sechrest




An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría” (Causes and agents of the economic disaster in Venezuela. A tribute to Hugo J. Faría)


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Author Biography

Nelson David Chávez Salazar, Instituto Larry Sechrest

B.S. in Economics.

Founder and president of the Larry Sechrest Institute. Director of the "Miguel Samper Agudelo" Collection on Free Banking (Unión Editorial, S.A.).



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How to Cite

Chávez Salazar ND. A detour in the Road to Totalitarianism:: An extended review of the book “Causas y causantes del desastre económico en Venezuela. Un homenaje a Hugo J. Faría”. MisesJournal [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];. Available from: https://revistamises.org.br/misesjournal/article/view/967



Special Issue 2018